The Spiritual Component
Tikkun HaBriet is a Jewish Marriage Program
Couples of all faiths and those with no faith tradition are welcome and respected and are encouraged to attend. The program is not designed to convert anyone to a specific faith choice, but does reflect Jewish concepts as support. The ultimate goal of Tikkun HaBriet is to help couples nurture healthier marriages.
For Couples of ALL Faiths
Our programs will consist of at least one couple facilitating and may also include clergy.
The presenting team members/facilitators have grown through serious disillusionment, pain and conflict in their own relationships. They offer hope as they share their personal stories of struggle, reconciliation and healing. The presenting team shares the deep and personal hurts they have experienced. As Tikkun HaBriet is Jewish in origin, the clergy member can be a Rabbi. Cantor or Jewish scholar.
Tikkun HaBriet is based on Jewish concepts, beliefs and morality. Tikkun HaBriet invites and encourages married couples of all faiths and those of no religious affiliation to share in this experience and to become an integral part of the program.
The weekend portion of the TIKKUN program is offered on scheduled weekends beginning Friday evening. There is a Kabalat service on Friday Evening and a closing Havdalah service late Sunday afternoon. While all attending the weekend are invited to participate in these religious services, attendance is optional.
Tikkun HaBriet Logo
The life preserver represents our desire to reach out and nurture the covenant of marriage for all couples. Offering renewed growth and connection for every couple's relationship. The Torah reflects the center of Jewish life and the deep-seated stories of family dysfunction and the power of trust, forgiveness and love.
Logo created by Martin Perlow of PS Communcations