"Tikkun & HaBriet has truly helped develop my Husband and me to a much stronger place. We’ve decided to participate in a check-up. It was so much fun and exactly what we’ve been looking for. It was work-shop based, and privacy is respected. We have learned so much and was able to apply what was taught to us to our daily living activities. Arguments decreased and even our families and friends have noticed that we’ve become closer. Schedules are busy and opposite right now, but we have learned to make time for each other to do fun things like participating in the next event whenever that may be. We are constantly evolving and willing to grow.
Helen & Phil have become apart of our relationship success, and it’s a blessing to know great people who care to help us nourish something many of us tend to let pass away. If you do not want to miss any opportunities when it presents itself; then I’ll recommend you to check in with your partner.
If necessary a tune-up will be available as there are also other recommendations depending on where you are at in your family ties. It’s a good feeling to know that we can reach out to Phil & Helen for guidance in an event of reconciliation. It was even more fulfilling to see my partner willing to participate and engage which is something that he normally wouldn’t do. Safe to say you’ll be in good hands.
Thanks a million, times; but I don’t think I can tell you guys thank you enough."
- Lavora H